Navigating Inside Nodegraph
Reality Hub offers various navigation methods to help you quickly navigate the Nodegraph:
Panning: Right-clicking and dragging the mouse pointer over the Nodegraph view allows panning.
Zooming in: Moving the mouse wheel forward.
Zooming out: Moving the mouse wheel backward.
Fit to Screen: Fit to Screen button fits the entire node tree in the Nodegraph view.
Filter Box: A search box to find nodes inside the Nodegraph
Selecting: Left-clicking and dragging the mouse pointer over a node creates a rectangular marquee and selects nodes. Directly clicking on a node will do the identical operation.
Deselecting: Clicking on an empty area inside the Nodegraph view deselects all nodes. Directly clicking on a selected node deselects it. Using
+ Left-clicking and dragging a mouse pointer over a node or node tree operates a deselecting function.Duplicating: You can duplicate a single node by right-clicking on it and selecting the Duplicate option.
Copy & Paste:
CTRL + c
andCTRL + v
reproduces the selected node or a node tree.
Last updated