Pin Context Menu
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Pin Context Menu refers to a set of options to when you right click on an input or output pin, as shown above.
Depending on the node, Pin Context Menu might vary since it is dynamic by design.
Pin Context Menu offers the following options:
Copy Pin: This option allows you to copy the selected pin, along with its properties, for reuse elsewhere in the nodegraph.
Change Display Name: Selecting this option enables you to modify the display name of the pin, which affects how it appears in the node's interface.
Change Unique Name: This option permits you to alter the unique identifier of the pin.
Monitor: Selecting this option adds the pin to the Advanced Preview Monitor.
Show as Property: This option toggles the pin's visibility as a property within the node's interface.
Remove All Connections: Selecting this option removes all connections associated with the selected pin.
Add to Watches: This option adds the selected property to the Property Watch Panel.
Delete Bookmark: Selecting this option removes any spawned Reality Actor associated with the pin.