Operating Gang Mode

The following example contains three different Engines, as shown in the image above. All three Engines have the following setup in common:

  • Engines are launched with the same Unreal Project (*.uproject)

  • Engines are running in Configuration Mode

  • Engines have no RGraph

Create the node tree as shown on the image above by following connections:

  • EngineControl node’s Display input pin to Mixer_0 node’s Program output pin

  • Mixer_0 node’s Channel1 input pin to Camera_0 node’s Output pin

  • Camera_0 node’s Track input pin to UserTrack_0 node’s Track pin

The node tree is ready.


  • Select the node tree except for the EngineControl by clicking and holding your left mouse button and dragging over the UserTrack_0, Camera_0, and Mixer_0 nodes

  • Copy the node tree you selected by pressing CTRL + C on your keyboard

  • Go to the Engine Toolbar, choose Engine02

  • Paste the node tree you copied earlier into Engine02’s Nodegraph by clicking CTRL + V on your keyboard

  • Connect the Mixer_0 node’s Program output pin to Display input of the EngineControl node inside the Engine02

  • Go to the Engine Toolbar, select Engine03

  • Paste the node tree you copied earlier into Engine03’s Nodegraph by clicking CTRL + V on your keyboard

  • Connect the Mixer_0 node’s Program output pin to Display input of the EngineControl node inside the Engine03

Please remember that Gang Mode is a Nodegraph operation requiring identical Node types with the same name.

All three Engines have the same RGraph construction, as shown in the image above.


  • Select the UserTrack_0 node located inside the Engine01

  • Go to Input properties of the UserTrack_0

  • Change the User Transform X value from -500 to -400

Since all three Engines are included in the Gang Mode, the change you made in the User Transform X value is reflected in the Nodegraph of the Engine01 and the Engine03, as shown in the image above.

Last updated


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