Operating Gang Mode

This page was written for a previous version of Reality and has not been updated for the current Reality 5.3 release.

The following example contains three different Engines, as shown in the image above. All three Engines have the following setup in common:

  • Engines are launched with the same Unreal Project (*.uproject)

  • Engines are running in Configuration Mode

  • Engines have no RGraph

Create the node tree as shown on the image above by following connections:

  • EngineControl node’s Display input pin to Mixer_0 node’s Program output pin

  • Mixer_0 node’s Channel1 input pin to Camera_0 node’s Output pin

  • Camera_0 node’s Track input pin to UserTrack_0 node’s Track pin

The node tree is ready.


  • Select the node tree except for the EngineControl by clicking and holding your left mouse button and dragging over the UserTrack_0, Camera_0, and Mixer_0 nodes

  • Copy the node tree you selected by pressing CTRL + C on your keyboard

  • Go to the Engine Toolbar, choose Engine02

  • Paste the node tree you copied earlier into Engine02’s Nodegraph by clicking CTRL + V on your keyboard

  • Connect the Mixer_0 node’s Program output pin to Display input of the EngineControl node inside the Engine02

  • Go to the Engine Toolbar, select Engine03

  • Paste the node tree you copied earlier into Engine03’s Nodegraph by clicking CTRL + V on your keyboard

  • Connect the Mixer_0 node’s Program output pin to Display input of the EngineControl node inside the Engine03

Please remember that Gang Mode is a Nodegraph operation requiring identical Node types with the same name.

All three Engines have the same RGraph construction, as shown in the image above.


  • Select the UserTrack_0 node located inside the Engine01

  • Go to Input properties of the UserTrack_0

  • Change the User Transform X value from -500 to -400

Since all three Engines are included in the Gang Mode, the change you made in the User Transform X value is reflected in the Nodegraph of the Engine01 and the Engine03, as shown in the image above.