Read Video Node
The Read Video node is designed for playing video files. It supports a wide range of file formats and codecs.
Path: This property allows you to specify the path of the video clip they want to open. After selecting a file, the "Load File" function must be called to load the chosen video file.
Default: Scales the clip frames to the default texture created by media.
Native: Resizes the output texture to match the resolution of the video clip.
Loop: When enabled, the video clip will start playing from the beginning after it ends. If disabled, it will show the last frame at the end of playback.
Speed: Allows you to adjust the playback speed of the video clip within the range of 0.25x to 2.0x.
Load File: This function loads the selected video file. It should be called after specifying the file path. If a clip is already playing, the newly loaded one will automatically begin playing after loading.
Play: Initiates playback of the video clip. Pause: Pauses playback of the video clip.
Rewind: Rewinds the video clip to the beginning. If the clip is playing (even if showing the last frame), it will play from the beginning. If the clip is paused, it will display the first frame.
Seek Time: Allows you to seek to a specific time in seconds within the video clip.
Seek Frame: Enables you to seek to a specific frame within the video clip.
Seek TimeCode: This function seeks to a specific timecode within the video clip, with supported formats including seconds, seconds and frames (drop and non-drop timecode), and full format timecodes.
Drop-timecode is only supported in clips with framerates of 29.97 and 59.94. If you seek with drop format in any other clip, non-drop timecode is used, and the value in the function is updated.
If you seek to an invalid timecode in drop format, such as "00:02:00:01," it will be replaced with the first following legal timecode.
Supported Demuxers and Codecs
3dostr 3DO STR
4xm 4X Technologies
aa Audible AA format files
aac raw ADTS AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
ac3 raw AC-3
ace tri-Ace Audio Container
acm Interplay ACM
act ACT Voice file format
adf Artworx Data Format
adp ADP
ads Sony PS2 ADS
aea MD STUDIO audio
afc AFC
aiff Audio IFF
alaw PCM A-law
alias_pix Alias/Wavefront PIX image
alp LEGO Racers ALP
amr 3GPP AMR
amrnb raw AMR-NB
amrwb raw AMR-WB
anm Deluxe Paint Animation
apac raw APAC
ape Monkey's Audio
apm Ubisoft Rayman 2 APM
apng Animated Portable Network Graphics
aptx raw aptX
aptx_hd raw aptX HD
aqtitle AQTitle subtitles
argo_asf Argonaut Games ASF
argo_brp Argonaut Games BRP
argo_cvg Argonaut Games CVG
asf ASF (Advanced / Active Streaming Format)
asf_o ASF (Advanced / Active Streaming Format)
ass SSA (SubStation Alpha) subtitle
ast AST (Audio Stream)
au Sun AU
av1 AV1 Annex B
avi AVI (Audio Video Interleaved)
avr AVR (Audio Visual Research)
avs Argonaut Games Creature Shock
avs2 raw AVS2-P2/IEEE1857.4
avs3 raw AVS3-P2/IEEE1857.10
bethsoftvid Bethesda Softworks VID
bfi Brute Force & Ignorance
bfstm BFSTM (Binary Cafe Stream)
bin Binary text
bink Bink
binka Bink Audio
bit G.729 BIT file format
bitpacked Bitpacked
bmp_pipe piped bmp sequence
bmv Discworld II BMV
boa Black Ops Audio
bonk raw Bonk
brender_pix BRender PIX image
brstm BRSTM (Binary Revolution Stream)
c93 Interplay C93
caf Apple CAF (Core Audio Format)
cavsvideo raw Chinese AVS (Audio Video Standard)
cdg CD Graphics
cdxl Commodore CDXL video
cine Phantom Cine
codec2 codec2 .c2 demuxer
codec2raw raw codec2 demuxer
concat Virtual concatenation script
cri_pipe piped cri sequence
data raw data
daud D-Cinema audio
dcstr Sega DC STR
dds_pipe piped dds sequence
derf Xilam DERF
dfa Chronomaster DFA
dfpwm raw DFPWM1a
dhav Video DAV
dirac raw Dirac
dnxhd raw DNxHD (SMPTE VC-3)
dpx_pipe piped dpx sequence
dsf DSD Stream File (DSF)
dshow DirectShow capture
dsicin Delphine Software International CIN
dss Digital Speech Standard (DSS)
dts raw DTS
dtshd raw DTS-HD
dv DV (Digital Video)
dvbsub raw dvbsub
dvbtxt dvbtxt
dxa DXA
ea Electronic Arts Multimedia
ea_cdata Electronic Arts cdata
eac3 raw E-AC-3
epaf Ensoniq Paris Audio File
exr_pipe piped exr sequence
f32be PCM 32-bit floating-point big-endian
f32le PCM 32-bit floating-point little-endian
f64be PCM 64-bit floating-point big-endian
f64le PCM 64-bit floating-point little-endian
ffmetadata FFmpeg metadata in text
film_cpk Sega FILM / CPK
filmstrip Adobe Filmstrip
fits Flexible Image Transport System
flac raw FLAC
flic FLI/FLC/FLX animation
flv FLV (Flash Video)
frm Megalux Frame
fsb FMOD Sample Bank
fwse Capcom's MT Framework sound
g722 raw G.722
g723_1 G.723.1
g726 raw big-endian G.726 ("left aligned")
g726le raw little-endian G.726 ("right aligned")
g729 G.729 raw format demuxer
gdigrab GDI API Windows frame grabber
gdv Gremlin Digital Video
gem_pipe piped gem sequence
genh GENeric Header
gif CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)
gif_pipe piped gif sequence
gsm raw GSM
gxf GXF (General eXchange Format)
h261 raw H.261
h263 raw H.263
h264 raw H.264 video
hcom Macintosh HCOM
hdr_pipe piped hdr sequence
hevc raw HEVC video
hls Apple HTTP Live Streaming
hnm Cryo HNM v4
ico Microsoft Windows ICO
idcin id Cinematic
idf iCE Draw File
iff IFF (Interchange File Format)
ilbc iLBC storage
image2 image2 sequence
image2pipe piped image2 sequence
ingenient raw Ingenient MJPEG
ipmovie Interplay MVE
ipu raw IPU Video
ircam Berkeley/IRCAM/CARL Sound Format
iss Funcom ISS
iv8 IndigoVision 8000 video
ivf On2 IVF
ivr IVR (Internet Video Recording)
j2k_pipe piped j2k sequence
jacosub JACOsub subtitle format
jpeg_pipe piped jpeg sequence
jpegls_pipe piped jpegls sequence
jpegxl_pipe piped jpegxl sequence
jv Bitmap Brothers JV
kux KUX (YouKu)
kvag Simon & Schuster Interactive VAG
laf LAF (Limitless Audio Format)
lavfi Libavfilter virtual input device
live_flv live RTMP FLV (Flash Video)
lmlm4 raw lmlm4
loas LOAS AudioSyncStream
lrc LRC lyrics
luodat Video CCTV DAT
lvf LVF
lxf VR native stream (LXF)
m4v raw MPEG-4 video
matroska,webm Matroska / WebM
mca MCA Audio Format
mcc MacCaption
mgsts Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
microdvd MicroDVD subtitle format
mjpeg raw MJPEG video
mjpeg_2000 raw MJPEG 2000 video
mlp raw MLP
mlv Magic Lantern Video (MLV)
mm American Laser Games MM
mmf Yamaha SMAF
mods MobiClip MODS
moflex MobiClip MOFLEX
mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 QuickTime / MOV
mp3 MP2/3 (MPEG audio layer 2/3)
mpc Musepack
mpc8 Musepack SV8
mpeg MPEG-PS (MPEG-2 Program Stream)
mpegts MPEG-TS (MPEG-2 Transport Stream)
mpegtsraw raw MPEG-TS (MPEG-2 Transport Stream)
mpegvideo raw MPEG video
mpjpeg MIME multipart JPEG
mpl2 MPL2 subtitles
mpsub MPlayer subtitles
msf Sony PS3 MSF
msnwctcp MSN TCP Webcam stream
msp Microsoft Paint (MSP))
mtaf Konami PS2 MTAF
mtv MTV
mulaw PCM mu-law
musx Eurocom MUSX
mv Silicon Graphics Movie
mvi Motion Pixels MVI
mxf MXF (Material eXchange Format)
mxg MxPEG clip
nc NC camera feed
nistsphere NIST SPeech HEader REsources
nsp Computerized Speech Lab NSP
nsv Nullsoft Streaming Video
nut NUT
nuv NuppelVideo
obu AV1 low overhead OBU
ogg Ogg
oma Sony OpenMG audio
paf Amazing Studio Packed Animation File
pam_pipe piped pam sequence
pbm_pipe piped pbm sequence
pcx_pipe piped pcx sequence
pfm_pipe piped pfm sequence
pgm_pipe piped pgm sequence
pgmyuv_pipe piped pgmyuv sequence
pgx_pipe piped pgx sequence
phm_pipe piped phm sequence
photocd_pipe piped photocd sequence
pictor_pipe piped pictor sequence
pjs PJS (Phoenix Japanimation Society) subtitles
pmp Playstation Portable PMP
png_pipe piped png sequence
pp_bnk Pro Pinball Series Soundbank
ppm_pipe piped ppm sequence
psd_pipe piped psd sequence
psxstr Sony Playstation STR
pva TechnoTrend PVA
pvf PVF (Portable Voice Format)
qcp QCP
qdraw_pipe piped qdraw sequence
qoi_pipe piped qoi sequence
rawvideo raw video
realtext RealText subtitle format
redspark RedSpark
rka RKA (RK Audio)
rl2 RL2
rm RealMedia
roq id RoQ
rpl RPL / ARMovie
rsd GameCube RSD
rso Lego Mindstorms RSO
rtp RTP input
rtsp RTSP input
s16be PCM signed 16-bit big-endian
s16le PCM signed 16-bit little-endian
s24be PCM signed 24-bit big-endian
s24le PCM signed 24-bit little-endian
s32be PCM signed 32-bit big-endian
s32le PCM signed 32-bit little-endian
s337m SMPTE 337M
s8 PCM signed 8-bit
sami SAMI subtitle format
sap SAP input
sbc raw SBC (low-complexity subband codec)
sbg SBaGen binaural beats script
scc Scenarist Closed Captions
scd Square Enix SCD
sdns Xbox SDNS
sdp SDP
sdr2 SDR2
sds MIDI Sample Dump Standard
sdx Sample Dump eXchange
ser SER (Simple uncompressed video format for astronomical capturing)
sga Digital Pictures SGA
sgi_pipe piped sgi sequence
shn raw Shorten
siff Beam Software SIFF
simbiosis_imx Simbiosis Interactive IMX
sln Asterisk raw pcm
smjpeg Loki SDL MJPEG
smk Smacker
smush LucasArts Smush
sol Sierra SOL
sox SoX native
spdif IEC 61937 (compressed data in S/PDIF)
srt SubRip subtitle
stl Spruce subtitle format
subviewer SubViewer subtitle format
subviewer1 SubViewer v1 subtitle format
sunrast_pipe piped sunrast sequence
sup raw HDMV Presentation Graphic Stream subtitles
svag Konami PS2 SVAG
svg_pipe piped svg sequence
svs Square SVS
swf SWF (ShockWave Flash)
tak raw TAK
tedcaptions TED Talks captions
thp THP
tiertexseq Tiertex Limited SEQ
tiff_pipe piped tiff sequence
tmv 8088flex TMV
truehd raw TrueHD
tta TTA (True Audio)
tty Tele-typewriter
txd Renderware TeXture Dictionary
ty TiVo TY Stream
u16be PCM unsigned 16-bit big-endian
u16le PCM unsigned 16-bit little-endian
u24be PCM unsigned 24-bit big-endian
u24le PCM unsigned 24-bit little-endian
u32be PCM unsigned 32-bit big-endian
u32le PCM unsigned 32-bit little-endian
u8 PCM unsigned 8-bit
v210 Uncompressed 4:2:2 10-bit
v210x Uncompressed 4:2:2 10-bit
vag Sony PS2 VAG
vbn_pipe piped vbn sequence
vc1 raw VC-1
vc1test VC-1 test bitstream
vfwcap VfW video capture
vidc PCM Archimedes VIDC
vividas Vividas VIV
vivo Vivo
vmd Sierra VMD
vobsub VobSub subtitle format
voc Creative Voice
vpk Sony PS2 VPK
vplayer VPlayer subtitles
vqf Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) TwinVQ
w64 Sony Wave64
wady Marble WADY
wav WAV / WAVE (Waveform Audio)
wavarc Waveform Archiver
wc3movie Wing Commander III movie
webm_dash_manifest WebM DASH Manifest
webp_pipe piped webp sequence
webvtt WebVTT subtitle
wsaud Westwood Studios audio
wsd Wideband Single-bit Data (WSD)
wsvqa Westwood Studios VQA
wtv Windows Television (WTV)
wv WavPack
wve Psion 3 audio
xa Maxis XA
xbin eXtended BINary text (XBIN)
xbm_pipe piped xbm sequence
xmd Konami XMD
xmv Microsoft XMV
xpm_pipe piped xpm sequence
xvag Sony PS3 XVAG
xwd_pipe piped xwd sequence
xwma Microsoft xWMA
yop Psygnosis YOP
yuv4mpegpipe YUV4MPEG pipe
012v Uncompressed 4:2:2 10-bit
4xm 4X Movie
8bps QuickTime 8BPS video
aasc Autodesk RLE
agm Amuse Graphics Movie
aic Apple Intermediate Codec
alias_pix Alias/Wavefront PIX image
amv AMV Video
anm Deluxe Paint Animation
ansi ASCII/ANSI art
arbc Gryphon's Anim Compressor
argo Argonaut Games Video
asv1 ASUS V1
asv2 ASUS V2
aura Auravision AURA
aura2 Auravision Aura 2
av1 Alliance for Open Media AV1
avrn Avid AVI Codec
avrp Avid 1:1 10-bit RGB Packer
avs AVS (Audio Video Standard) video
avui Avid Meridien Uncompressed
ayuv Uncompressed packed MS 4:4:4:4
bethsoftvid Bethesda VID video
bfi Brute Force & Ignorance
binkvideo Bink video
bintext Binary text
bitpacked Bitpacked
bmp BMP (Windows and OS/2 bitmap)
bmv_video Discworld II BMV video
brender_pix BRender PIX image
c93 Interplay C93
cavs Chinese AVS (Audio Video Standard) (AVS1-P2, JiZhun profile)
cdgraphics CD Graphics video
cdtoons CDToons video
cdxl Commodore CDXL video
cfhd GoPro CineForm HD
cinepak Cinepak
clearvideo Iterated Systems ClearVideo
cljr Cirrus Logic AccuPak
cllc Canopus Lossless Codec
eacmv Electronic Arts CMV video (codec cmv)
cpia CPiA video format
cri Cintel RAW
camstudio CamStudio (codec cscd)
cyuv Creative YUV (CYUV)
dds DirectDraw Surface image decoder
dfa Chronomaster DFA
dirac BBC Dirac VC-2
dnxhd VC3/DNxHD
dpx DPX (Digital Picture Exchange) image
dsicinvideo Delphine Software International CIN video
dvvideo DV (Digital Video)
dxtory Dxtory
dxv Resolume DXV
escape124 Escape 124
escape130 Escape 130
ffv1 FFmpeg video codec #1
ffvhuff Huffyuv FFmpeg variant
fic Mirillis FIC
fits Flexible Image Transport System
flic Autodesk Animator Flic video
flv FLV / Sorenson Spark / Sorenson H.263 (Flash Video) (codec flv1)
fmvc FM Screen Capture Codec
fraps Fraps
frwu Forward Uncompressed
gdv Gremlin Digital Video
gem GEM Raster image
gif GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
h261 H.261
h263 H.263 / H.263-1996, H.263+ / H.263-1998 / H.263 version 2
h263i Intel H.263
h263p H.263 / H.263-1996, H.263+ / H.263-1998 / H.263 version 2
h264 H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
hap Vidvox Hap
hdr HDR (Radiance RGBE format) image
hevc HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding)
hnm4video HNM 4 video
hq_hqa Canopus HQ/HQA
hqx Canopus HQX
huffyuv Huffyuv / HuffYUV
hymt HuffYUV MT
idcinvideo id Quake II CIN video (codec idcin)
idf iCEDraw text
iff IFF ACBM/ANIM/DEEP/ILBM/PBM/RGB8/RGBN (codec iff_ilbm)
imm4 Infinity IMM4
imm5 Infinity IMM5
indeo2 Intel Indeo 2
indeo3 Intel Indeo 3
indeo4 Intel Indeo Video Interactive 4
indeo5 Intel Indeo Video Interactive 5
interplayvideo Interplay MVE video
ipu IPU Video
jpeg2000 JPEG 2000
jpegls JPEG-LS
jv Bitmap Brothers JV video
kgv1 Kega Game Video
kmvc Karl Morton's video codec
lagarith Lagarith lossless
loco LOCO
m101 Matrox Uncompressed SD
eamad Electronic Arts Madcow Video (codec mad)
magicyuv MagicYUV video
mdec Sony PlayStation MDEC (Motion DECoder)
media100 Media 100
mimic Mimic
mjpeg MJPEG (Motion JPEG)
mjpegb Apple MJPEG-B
mmvideo American Laser Games MM Video
mobiclip MobiClip Video
motionpixels Motion Pixels video
mpeg1video MPEG-1 video
mpeg2video MPEG-2 video
mpegvideo MPEG-1 video (codec mpeg2video)
mpeg4 MPEG-4 part 2
msa1 MS ATC Screen
msmpeg4v1 MPEG-4 part 2 Microsoft variant version 1
msmpeg4v2 MPEG-4 part 2 Microsoft variant version 2
msmpeg4 MPEG-4 part 2 Microsoft variant version 3 (codec msmpeg4v3)
msp2 Microsoft Paint (MSP) version 2
msrle Microsoft RLE
mss1 MS Screen 1
mss2 MS Windows Media Video V9 Screen
msvideo1 Microsoft Video 1
mszh LCL (LossLess Codec Library) MSZH
mts2 MS Expression Encoder Screen
mv30 MidiVid 3.0
mvc1 Silicon Graphics Motion Video Compressor 1
mvc2 Silicon Graphics Motion Video Compressor 2
mvdv MidiVid VQ
mxpeg Mobotix MxPEG video
notchlc NotchLC
nuv NuppelVideo/RTJPEG
paf_video Amazing Studio Packed Animation File Video
pam PAM (Portable AnyMap) image
pbm PBM (Portable BitMap) image
pcx PC Paintbrush PCX image
pfm PFM (Portable FloatMap) image
pgm PGM (Portable GrayMap) image
pgmyuv PGMYUV (Portable GrayMap YUV) image
pgx PGX (JPEG2000 Test Format)
phm PHM (Portable HalfFloatMap) image
photocd Kodak Photo CD
pictor Pictor/PC Paint
pixlet Apple Pixlet
ppm PPM (Portable PixelMap) image
prores Apple ProRes (iCodec Pro)
prosumer Brooktree ProSumer Video
psd Photoshop PSD file
ptx V.Flash PTX image
qdraw Apple QuickDraw
qoi QOI (Quite OK Image format) image
qpeg Q-team QPEG
qtrle QuickTime Animation (RLE) video
r10k AJA Kona 10-bit RGB Codec
r210 Uncompressed RGB 10-bit
rawvideo raw video
rl2 RL2 video
roqvideo id RoQ video (codec roq)
rpza QuickTime video (RPZA)
rv10 RealVideo 1.0
rv20 RealVideo 2.0
rv30 RealVideo 3.0
rv40 RealVideo 4.0
sanm LucasArts SANM/Smush video
scpr ScreenPressor
sga Digital Pictures SGA Video
sgi SGI image
sgirle Silicon Graphics RLE 8-bit video
sheervideo BitJazz SheerVideo
simbiosis_imx Simbiosis Interactive IMX Video
smackvid Smacker video (codec smackvideo)
smc QuickTime Graphics (SMC)
smvjpeg SMV JPEG
snow Snow
sp5x Sunplus JPEG (SP5X)
speedhq NewTek SpeedHQ
sunrast Sun Rasterfile image
svq1 Sorenson Vector Quantizer 1 / Sorenson Video 1 / SVQ1
svq3 Sorenson Vector Quantizer 3 / Sorenson Video 3 / SVQ3
targa Truevision Targa image
targa_y216 Pinnacle TARGA CineWave YUV16
eatgq Electronic Arts TGQ video (codec tgq)
eatgv Electronic Arts TGV video (codec tgv)
theora Theora
thp Nintendo Gamecube THP video
tiertexseqvideo Tiertex Limited SEQ video
tiff TIFF image
tmv 8088flex TMV
eatqi Electronic Arts TQI Video (codec tqi)
truemotion1 Duck TrueMotion 1.0
truemotion2 Duck TrueMotion 2.0
truemotion2rt Duck TrueMotion 2.0 Real Time
tscc2 TechSmith Screen Codec 2
txd Renderware TXD (TeXture Dictionary) image
ultimotion IBM UltiMotion (codec ulti)
utvideo Ut Video
v210 Uncompressed 4:2:2 10-bit
v210x Uncompressed 4:2:2 10-bit
v308 Uncompressed packed 4:4:4
v408 Uncompressed packed QT 4:4:4:4
v410 Uncompressed 4:4:4 10-bit
vb Beam Software VB
vble VBLE Lossless Codec
vbn Vizrt Binary Image
vc1 SMPTE VC-1
vc1image Windows Media Video 9 Image v2
vcr1 ATI VCR1
xl Miro VideoXL (codec vixl)
vmdvideo Sierra VMD video
vmnc VMware Screen Codec / VMware Video
vnull null video
vp3 On2 VP3
vp4 On2 VP4
vp5 On2 VP5
vp6 On2 VP6
vp6a On2 VP6 (Flash version, with alpha channel)
vp6f On2 VP6 (Flash version)
vp7 On2 VP7
vp8 On2 VP8
vp9 Google VP9
vqc ViewQuest VQC
wbmp WBMP (Wireless Application Protocol Bitmap) image
webp WebP image
wmv1 Windows Media Video 7
wmv2 Windows Media Video 8
wmv3 Windows Media Video 9
wmv3image Windows Media Video 9 Image
wnv1 Winnov WNV1
wrapped_avframe AVPacket to AVFrame passthrough
vqavideo Westwood Studios VQA (Vector Quantized Animation) video (codec ws_vqa)
xan_wc3 Wing Commander III / Xan
xan_wc4 Wing Commander IV / Xxan
xbin eXtended BINary text
xbm XBM (X BitMap) image
xface X-face image
xpm XPM (X PixMap) image
xwd XWD (X Window Dump) image
y41p Uncompressed YUV 4:1:1 12-bit
ylc YUY2 Lossless Codec
yop Psygnosis YOP Video
yuv4 Uncompressed packed 4:2:0
Last updated