Certified Power Supply
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Power supplies perform an essential function for a computer; they provide stable power for all of the components inside the system. Reality Engine is integrated with GPU and video I/O cards and other basic computer components. Zero Density certifies 2 different wattage power supplies:
1000 Watts (recommended) power supply which provides 4x 8 Pin power cables. (On Xeon)
750 Watts is the minimum required power supply which provides 2x 6 Pin power cables.
Understanding the fact that power supplies drop its ability to supply power over time due to the capacitors aging and drying up. Tough 750 watts is bare minimum required power supply; we recommend using 1000 Watts power supply as it will provide some overhead power even though it loses its power supplying capacity over-due course of time.
Provides 4x 8 Pin power cables. (On Xeon)
Recommended GPU's requires at least 1x 8 pin power connector and since this power supply already has 8 Pin power cables, there is no need to use HP adapter cable (to convert from 6 pin to 8 pin).
Provides 2x 6 Pin power cables.
Recommended GPU's requires at least 1x 8 pin power connector and since this power supply has only 6 Pin power cables, HP has certified adapter cable from 6 Pin to 8 Pin. (HP Product Number: N1G35AA). So, this converter should be used when using 750 Watts power supply.
This special internal power cable for 750 Watts powered workstations is required in order to support high powered Quadro boards.
For GPUs which requires 8 Pins power cables, HP has certified adapter cable from 6 Pin to 8 Pin.