Media Playback
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Media files are an essential part of video production. They are movie clips embedded with audio that can be played within the virtual set mapped as a texture on virtual display screens or they can just be used as an additional full-screen source (just like any other camera-input source) for mixing with other sources.
UE Media player with frame accurate timecode and audio support.
UE Media node is located under the category Media I/O.
Properties Tab
MediaSource section
Most of the properties which lies under “MediaSource” category is read only and the information shows based on settings done in “functions” parameters.
FilePath: Used to browse and define where the media is coming from, displays the path of the file which is used for playback. File name with its extension is shown below.
Duration: Total length of the used clip.
CacheSize: Displays the buffered duration of media. This is to ensure smooth playback of the clip without frame drops.
UpdateType: The method in which the clip must be decoded and played.
Progress: Displays the dynamic values of clip playback progress in percentage.
Loop: Toggle the playback state between Loop and Play once. False: Play only once, (by default it is set to False). True: Play in loop.
AudioControl Section
Mute: Toggles between Mute and Unmute. False: Unmute (audible) (By default it is set to False). True: Mute
Functions Tab
Close: Stops playback of media clip when the “Execute” button is pressed.
Enqueue: Starts playback of media clip when the “Execute” button is pressed.
NextFile: Browse file for playback from the desired location by clicking on three dots … Name of the selected media clip will be displays under.
CacheSize(milliSec): Set the buffer duration of media. This is to ensure smooth playback of the clip without frame drops. (By default, it is set to 1000 millisecond/1 second)
FrameUpdate: These options define the method in which the clip must be decoded and played. Following are various playback options:
EveryTick(1:1): Media will play as per engine FPS
TwicePerTick(2:1): Media will play at twice the speed of engine FPS
AlternateTick(1:2): Media will play at half the speed of engine FPS
FromTimeCode: Media will play as per AJA device timecode
MediaDefault: Media will play at its default settings
PlayAt: These options define media playback instance when Enqueued Execute button is pressed. It is possible to browse and load another media clip in que which will play after the current clip playback finishes.
AfterCurrent: The Media will play (on click of Enqueue Execute button) after the current clip playback is finished. It allows to load another clip in que while the current clip is being played.
"Loop" option property in media source category must be "False" to be able to use this feature. If the Loop option is True, the next file will never begin playback as the current clip is set to play in Loop.
Immediate: The Media will play (on click of Enqueue Execute button) immediately while interrupting the current clip playback (if already playing).