Activating Gang Mode
This page was written for a previous version of Reality and has not been updated for the current Reality 5.3 release.
Last updated
This page was written for a previous version of Reality and has not been updated for the current Reality 5.3 release.
Last updated
Before you begin to use Gang Mode, please remember that it requires multiple Engines running in the Configuration Mode.
In this example, we have three different Engines, as shown in the image above with the following signs:
Engine01 indicates running and currently selected Engine
Engine02 and Engine03 show running but are currently unselected Engines.
To activate the Gang Mode:
Go to Main Menu > Windows and activate the Nodegraph/Actions tab
Go to the right-bottom of the Engine Toolbar
Press and hold the Control button on your keyboard
Click on Engine02 and Engine03 with your left mouse button
As soon as you click on Engine02 and Engine03, the following changes occur as shown in the images above:
A green outline appears outside of Engines in the Gang Mode
Gang Mode text appears above the Actions tab
Gang Mode button turns green
Gang Mode is ready with three Engines.